Hains Point 100

low-lying fog on the Potomac
The Hains Point 100 is a fundraiser for the Washington Area Bicyclist Association’s Women and Bicycles outreach program. Megan, a WABA member, started this ride last year to raise awareness for this program. She pledged to ride around Hains Point for 100 miles, and invited any bicyclists available to join her.

I missed the ride last year, so I decided to go this year and check it out. I have to admit that when I woke up and saw the rain, I almost bailed. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know that I ride my bike rain or shine, but my last three long rides were done in the rain, and it’s starting to get old for me. But, I promised to bring cookies, so with a heavy sigh, I got dressed and got on the bike.

It was unseasonably warm for this time of year. The rain was intermittent on my ride to Hains Point. There was already a small crowd when I got there, and I saw some of my Bike DC friends. I dropped off my cookies at the food table, and then lined up to check in. Right after I checked in, there was a collective gasp– you could see the storm rolling through across the water. We ducked for cover under the tents as we were hit with the rain. In the meantime, Megan welcomed us to the ride, and Nelle Pierson of WABA spoke as well.

The rain died down closer to the official start time. We lined up to start, and then we were off. I started out in front, and then watched every single rider pass me. I was more amused than annoyed. I decided I was just going to keep my own pace and not worry about anyone else.

“Hi friend,” I heard someone say behind me. I turned around, and there was MG and Felkerino on the tandem. Hooray! I rode with them for a couple of laps and chatted. We then adjourned briefly at the pit stop at the tip of the Point to say hello to folks (and for me, to binge on other people’s cookies). There was a raffle going on in the background. We did one more lap before we decided to ride on to the lunch portion of our day, and then I headed back home.

All in all, 34.25 miles for the day. Not an epic ride, but what I enjoyed the most was spending time with my Bike DC friends. That was worth riding in the rain for.

5 thoughts on “Hains Point 100

  1. You weren’t slow; it was the hills. 🙂 Sorry I missed riding with you today, After 6 straight days of bike commuting my pillow took me hostage this morning.

  2. Pingback: Goals for 2013: Mostly Accomplished | Rambling Rider

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